Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I never finished you..

Athena for the nes

I've finished tons of games for just about every system i could get my hands on, But the one game that never left my mind was Athena for the NES. It's super old school with the worst graphics imaginable, It's a side scroller and all you have to do is pick up random weapons and armour that appear after breaking rocks and try to make it to the end of the stage, Sounds good on paper but the game feels half assed and you just end up glitching alot and falling thru objects and getting the occasional game crash and there is absolutely no game save and arrghghgh! I'm getting flashbacks. I tried day and night back in the day (1987) and i couldn't beat the damn thing! I tried to play it recently and i couldn't sit thru 5 minutes of it. bleeech! I hate you.

Pictures cannot describe the horror that is 2 frames of animation.

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