Sunday, August 17, 2008

The artist formally known as

I couldn't draw for the life of me, I wasn't artistic as a kid, I don't have any scribble art laying around from when i was a kid because i never did any, I had hobbies but art was not one of them, When i was in high school i actually failed my art course, i didn't know how to put 2 lines together to save my life, In my teens i was going thru changes, which is normal, I needed an output and i started doodling,Trying to think of things to draw, my friends were artists and they gave me that push to keep it up, my drawings were aweful, i give my friends credit, they supported me all the way even thought my art sucked,Oh damn, my art was so bad, just take a look.Suckage..

I tried so hard but to no avail, maybe because i never had lessons, My art wasn't getting better, I had a bad break up from a relationship and everything changed (i was 20 at the time), I started to paint and draw, everything came out pretty solid, It was suprising to me because it was a night and day difference, I'm not ever going to say i'm the best or even good, but it helped me out. I won't post a ton of drawings but i'll just put the latest one.all of my other artwork can be seen here.

And now for the artist formally known asThe title doesn't lie!!

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